Τρίτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2012


Δείτε συγκλονιστηκές φωτογραφίες που σταλθηκαν απο το ΜΑΝΧΑΤΑΝ και δείχνουν τις φοβερες καταστροφές απο το ΤΣΟΥΝΑΜΙ

 Stefania Michailidou

Hurricane Sandy photos: Manhattan

Here are some photos from Hurricane Sandy in Manhattan found via Geofeedia.
  1. Down by stone street
  2. Taken by a #Belly team member stuck in #nyc. #Sandy is the real deal. #staysafe
  3. Goldman Sachs not messing around with their sandbagging
  4. Downed street lamp at the seaport. #sandy #nyc #flood #frankenstorm #hurricanesandy
  5. After the hurricane
  6. #hurricanesandy east river
  7. East Village NYC #Sandy #Hurricane
  8. My friend Claude took this photo outside my old apartment area. Can't believe it. Thankful I moved uptown but thinking of my friends who live downtown.
  9. Photo by rpcnyc * Instagram
  10. Southwest part of Hoboken
  11. Shitty #sandy
  12. Glad I didn't park here #sandy
  13. Photo by evie_mejia1 * Instagram
  14. Post-Sandy!.. Tree down!!!
  15. it's a mess all around
  16. Photo by lukelog * Instagram
  17. From the East Village
  18. This was some crazy shit!! #sandy
  19. water street.
  20. FDR 63rd Steet #hurricanesandy #hurricanesurvival101
  21. Flooded Bruckner
  22. New York?! More like New Venice!
  23. HURRICANE DESTRUCTION: fellow IGers shared this...I have reason to believe this is actually around 14th street in manhattan...FDNY is WADING through the water! #hurricanesandy #hurricane #nyc #nypd #fdny #ems #911
  24. 20th st and avenue C, thank god for uptown
  25. Photo by guerra2123 * Instagram

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